Tuesday, October 26, 2010

bending space and time

there are spaces of time
days even
when all I do
when I pass a mirror
is glare into my own eyes
and think of
horrible horrible mean nasty things
that I would say
to no one in particular

and other times
I stand on top of my furniture
and stretch
my hands to the ceiling
until my fingers
bend backwards
and think about
eating ice cream
with bare hands
off of the tabletop

Monday, October 25, 2010

Barfday Inundations

In less than 6 days
I will have been alive
22 years

and while I relish the chance to use
the future perfect tense
it scares me to see
how much things change

and where I could be
and where I am

these are never the same,
because I, with only my one self,
can't exhaust all the possibilities

Thursday, October 14, 2010

alone, but not badly

sometimes it takes
being alone in a room
to realize

it is you
that smells bad